Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day

The last full weekend of Summer, officially. It seems much more like early Fall here in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. I am enjoying the shift in the air.

I've had company for the last several weeks, a friend from Australia. It is an interesting experience to share space with someone from another country. It amazes me what they think of us, what we think of them, and I am keenly interested in how other countries "operate." That for means; how do they take care of their citizens, are the trends in real estate the same, is gas as expensive, what is rent like. I was amazed to find out that in Australia, every working person gets 4 weeks paid vacation a year. If you have a stressful job, like social work, you get an extra mental health week. Health care is provided. If you choose alternatives or specialists, that is your choice and you pay. They do pay for chiropractic.....which is seen as alternative here in the US. Taxes are not much higher, litter is not such a huge issue.......somehow it seems like life could be a bit easier there. Not that I would only makes me ponder what sort of society I would like to live could we be more community hence creating a less stressful environment for all citizens of this great land.

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