Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 - a New Year

It is amazing to me that this is a new year approaching this nite. It has been a strange one at that. I lost a loved one and a new employee. I gained, I lost, I struggled, I ran around in circles. The thing I have learned, FINALLY, I believe, is that we do indeed create our own reality.
I sometimes feel like I am hardwired to matter how good it gets I will "struggle." This year, if I have learned nothing is to indeed "let go, be in the moment, pray, ask, and be willing to receive." I have learned that you can ask and get, but if you are not willing and ready to receive......the opportunity will come and it will go. Just like that.
So, to all of you who challenge yourselves on a daily basis.....I encourage you, as I encourage myself, to let go. Be in gratitude. Recognize grace. Be in the moment.........and THRIVE.

A blessed NewYear to all.............Cynthia

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