Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It is the New Year and the celebration of our 20th year in business!!!  

I find this an incredible time for reflection and planning.  Sort of a "pre-New Year" gift to yourself.  I have a little "pink book" in which I jot my ideas, my plans and my dreams.  Often in my thinking I am wondering how I can serve you better.  I want to help make your menopause a beautiful transition not a time of dis-ease.  This "IS" a time for we menopausal women to dive deep into our souls, a time for reflection, sit by a fire, pray, listen for the messages in the quiet. This is a time to honor ourselves.  That is what I think "menopause" is.  We have been the caretakers of our "world" and now it is time to care for ourselves.  Please read more about this and other topics related to menopause here.  Share you thoughts with me here.

Free shipping and a free gift for another two days!!

I hope you have had a wonderful Holiday Season!!!  

or call me.  I love chatting with you!!!  In depthconsultations available too!!


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