Sunday, May 4, 2014

May @ MoonMaid's Botanical Sanctuary

MoonMaid's gardens are incredible!!  Lot's of color, but this week it was really the white flowers that stood out.  I missed a few here like foam flower but you get the idea.  I love this time of year as the grass goes wild and the plants seem to shout yippee!!!  

The White Album

Wild Yam, which is a main herb in our menopause and andropause related products - is just popping out in the garden.  I love the brilliant green color.

 Check out the look of our new website!!!  It is new!!!  It was a lot of work and I like it!!!  I hope you do too.

The special for May is a grabbag.  We will send you one of our new products like our Signature Soap, our BathBliss Soaking Salts or maybe a face serum I am working on.  You just never know.

MoonMaid's BlogTalk Radio Show airs the first Monday of every month.  Tomorrow Cynthia will be joined by Donna Marie Coles Johnson of the Indie Business Network.  We will be discussing how women are reinventing themselves as they transition into a new phase of life.  Menopause stirs up those raw emotions to "try something new" and we will cover how that is empowering and transforming lives both older and young!!!

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and have a fabulous week ahead. 
Cynthia @ MoonMaid Botanicals

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