Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going home.....

I have had a very wonderful time with family. Though I have missed my mountain home, and am ever so glad to be headed in that general direction tomorrow, I will miss my "family" when I am in Tennessee. I love my three nephews beyond measure...they have developed into such great human beings, and of course, I will miss my sisters. I miss everyone of course, my Mom, my brother in law, my older neices and nephews and their kids.....but there is something about sisters that is very special. My sisters are twins and I find the interaction between them interesting.....and very special. They are identical twins and though they certainly look different now........they are one person in two bodies a lot of the time. They finish each others sentences, they say the same things, they buy the same stuff....maybe this use to happen more then it does now......but it does happen. And sometimes.......we, all the three of us.....know what the other one is thinking, talk at the same time.....and I note that some folks just shrug. They have no idea what we are all talking and giggling about.'s husband was on my mind....he walked through the door unexpectedly........and they both screamed. You had to be there.....but it is a memory that will make me laugh for a long while.........just thinking of it now....I get a smile on my face. I write this post on a computer that is not I do not have access to my a few days.....I'll post some photos of "my family." It is special. My recent loss, of a good friend who was "like family" makes me want to hold onto, embrace, and squeeze tight those who are closest to me. And, it is my sisters....and the gifts they have given me. I do have four lovely nieces, a fantastic brother and sister in law....but again, sisters.....are just something else!!!!!

1 comment :

Kim Radatz said...

Safe travels to you! Come back again soon.